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Digital Resources
- Professionally recorded scripts, poems, and songs to promote choral reading and allow students to hear rhythm and expression for increased fluency.
- Copies of poems and songs in digital and transparency formats.
Teacher's Guide
Provides differentiation strategies and second language support activities to provide effective reading, writing, listening and speaking instructions to English language learners.
- Easy-to-use, standards-based lesson plans incorporate strategies recommended by fluency expert Dr. Timothy Rasinski and focus on improving accuracy, automaticity, and oral expression.
- Easy-to-implement lesson plans and teaching strategies for each script to maximize instructional time and minimize prep time.
- Includes additional focus on comprehension strategies, word work, and embedded literacy links to content-area topics.
- Each script features content-area and common literature-based texts with roles written at different reading levels to help all students participate in a proven reader's theater model.
- 8 Scripts, 6 copies each, ranging from 16-32 pages per book at different reading levels in print and digital formats Builds student fluency and oral language skills through authentic repeated readings of scripts.
- Incorporates an original song and poem that students perform within the reader's theater performances.
Student Engagement
- Students interact cooperatively to read aloud their scripts to apply literacy skills, cooperation, and creativity into performance.
- Requires active participation to encourage reluctant and proficient readers to use expressive voices and gestures.
- Encourages all students to participate and engage in the same activity, regardless of their current reading ability, enabling all readers to gain confidence and feel successful.
- Students recognize the value of practice and hard work as they analyze their performances.
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Sample Pages
On-Demand Webinars
Building Fluency through Reader's Theater Sample Pages
Want to see all the great resources that are included with this product?
This sample includes the following:
- Teacher's Guide Cover (1 page)
- Table of Contents (1 page)
- What's Included in Each Lesson (7 pages)
- Lesson Plan (6 pages)
- Script (14 pages)
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